Friday, 24 August 2012

Crystalline Spheres and circular orbits

Dear Diary,

I have now come to believe that the orbit of the planets around our earth is exactly a circular orbit. This comes to be due to the shape of the earth being spherical hence cause the planets to orbit around it in a round path. This path is constant and does not change.

One of my most recent and greatest theories I have been working on has been to explain why a planet appears to have a random movement of slowing down, reversing direction for a short distance then speeding back up along it's circular orbit. I call this it's epicycle and it's a part of its retrograde motion. What may cause the planet to perform these weird movements?

I believe that there are crystalline spheres which each planet is carried on and move around cause it's backward motion. These crystalline spheres are also a part of the planet and are moving along with it around our earth hence the planet is actually following two orbits; around the earth and around the crystalline sphere. The orbit around it's sphere is called the epicycle.

I believe these crystalline spheres to be made of an element not found on our earth, but only found within other celestial objects. This element is not visible to us and is a type of quintessence. 

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